What is Numerology

Numerology is considered the sacred science par excellence.

It seems to be as old as writing: in fact, in all the ancient peoples, the Egyptians, Jews, Greeks, Chinese and Indians, there are found written records and some scholars trace the origins even to the legendary Atlantis! In the hands of tribal chiefs and shamans of thousands of years ago, numbers were in fact a powerful instrument, of which only a few "chosen" could know the most hidden secrets.

Sumerians inheritance which thousands of years ago invented the sexagesimal system for the calculation of the hours, minutes and seconds, was picked up first by the Babylonians and later, in the sixth century. BC, by Pythagoras the great philosopher and mathematician From Samos. According to him, numbers constitute the essence of things and everything can be reduced to a numeric expression.
Huge was the cultural impact of the Pythagorean philosophy against the supreme of few thinkers and scholars including so-called fathers of the Catholic Church (St. Augustine in particular) and later characters like Dante, Descartes, Balzac, Hugo, etc.

The Jews gave their valuable contribution to our knowledge in the meaning of numbers. And it is thanks to them and, in particular, the studies they did about Kabbalah, that a good part of the history and tradition of numerology has come down to us.
In the early twentieth century we started talk about numerology again: politicians, movie stars and famous managers use it regularly for a better understanding of the various events in which they are involved and to find out what's in store for them in the future.